A thorough package testing ensures that your custom case has what it takes to protect your valuable cargo.
Regardless of the product that your business makes, you should always conduct package testing before you start shipping out orders to all of your customers. Why is package testing worth your while? Not only does it save you money and potential fines, it saves your customers a huge headache in securing a replacement or refund from you. Beyond those, there are still more reasons why package testing is important. Why should you conduct package testing?
The biggest reason to conduct package testing is to keep you, your customers, and everyone involved in the shipping process safe (especially if you are shipping any potentially hazardous materials). Hazardous materials could be gasses or chemicals and they should all be shipped using the UN’s universal system for classification, packaging, shipping, and labeling. What does package testing for safety involve? A myriad of tests! The tests typically include endurance testing, shock resistance, and vibration tolerance. Hazardous materials that are shipped in sealed containers (so almost all of them) should also have package testing done that exposes the container to many different air pressures to simulate shipping.
Save Money
Package testing can be expensive, which is why many businesses cut corners and don’t complete it. However, the money that you spend on it can add up to huge savings down the line. If you ship sensitive products without the proper packaging, you are out a refund for the customer or another of the same product shipped with proper packaging. If you ship hazardous goods without the proper packaging, not only are you looking at refunding the customer, you are also looking at potential government fines and an expensive public relations nightmare. The cost of package testing is minor when compared to the many costs of improperly shipped goods.
Packaging Strategies Incorporated for All of Your Package Testing Needs
Packaging Strategies Incorporated specializes in making custom packaging for whatever product you sell. Whether you need custom shipping containers or custom shipping packaging, we have the expertise and years of experience to deliver a quality product at a price you’ll love every time. We are exceptionally skilled at creating unique and innovative solutions for all industries. For more information about what we can do for your business, contact us online or give us a call at (410) 547-7877. For more packaging tips and ideas, follow us on Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.