When you’re looking for hardware used for flight cases, there are a few things you need to consider.
Flight cases have become an essential piece of travel hardware, especially for those who have more delicate and fragile items that need to be transported. At first, it was mostly bands that were using flight cases to keep their instruments safe while traveling for performances, but now more people are making use of these cases, like athletes and doctors. When you’re looking for hardware used for flight cases, there are a few things you need to consider.
Right Material for Construction
Flight cases are usually made from plywood panels melded together with steel corners and a type of aluminum edging. Be sure your flight case has the appropriate thickness of plywood. Plywood that isn’t thick enough could mean your items aren’t safe.
You also need your plywood covered by fiberglass and ABS plastic. While your flight case will suffer some abuse, you want to be sure it can handle the pressure and still protect your belongings.
Getting The Right Hardware
Hardware is essential for the safety of items kept in flight cases. It doesn’t matter how durable the covering is if the support hardware doesn’t support as it should. You want to be sure your flight case hardware has enough size and strength to hold the items you want to put in them. Some products use lower-quality hardware as a means of lowering the price. This could result in inadequate protection, so it is not advised to be too cheap.
You need to keep in mind not just the weight of everything in the case, but also the pressure your case will be under before it gets where it needs to go. Vehicle movement, loading, and unloading, as well as human handling, all need to be factored into your decision.
Padding It Right
Flight cases need to have high-quality padding that helps as a shock absorber to protect your case’s contents. You need to consider what’s going in the case so you can figure out the thickness, style, and density of the padding you need.
To be safe, we recommend hiring professional help to get you exactly what you need for your case. Don’t invest in cheap padding that is likely to fall apart before long. It might look like you’re saving money, but in the long run, it’s going to cost you more.
Factor in Weight
Heavier flight cases make it harder for you to keep your things safe. Because humans will do most of the case’s movement, weight is a critical factor to consider. You’ll need to think outside the box to help make the case lighter and easier to move. These are some of the ways you can reduce the weight of your case:
- Strike off pedals from rigs
- Divide large boards into smaller sizes
- Choose from a combination of lightweight and durability
- Ensure tightness as much as you can
You also need to think about your plywood’s thickness without compromising the fragileness of everything that you put in the case. You want to strike a balance between protection and portability.
PSI Cases have assembled personnel with over 50 years of combined experience in design, engineering, development, manufacturing, and sales. We design and manufacture systems integration packages and container solutions for clientele who represent interest from the private sector and government agencies.No matter what you need to carry, PSI Cases will be sure to have the right case for the job.
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