Celebrating Independence Day

Independence Day

This Friday marks the 239th birthday of the United States of America. July 4th is the most celebrated day in America, as it highlights the independence of the United States from Britain. As Americans from all across the country begin to celebrate the holiday with parades, cookouts, and fireworks, here are a few things to remember about the holiday!

  1. Declaration of Independence- Independence Day is the celebration of the signing of the document known as the Declaration of Independence. This document, signed by Robert Livingston, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Thomas Jefferson, declared America’s independence from Britain.
  2. Federal Holiday- Although Independence Day had been celebrated since 1776, Congress didn’t declare the day a federal holiday until 1938.
  3. Not the Accurate Date- While we continue to celebrate our Independence on July 4th, the truth still remains that the actual time of independence came at least a month later. The Declaration of Independence was fully signed by each member of the Continental Congress until August 2nd and didn’t reach King George the Third until August 30th.
  4. Death of Two Men- On July 4th, 1826, 50 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson passed away within hours of one another.
  5. Fireworks- The tradition of fireworks on July 4th began around the 19th century when citizens began to light and set off left over explosives from the war. Today, over 14,000 fireworks displays are ignited each year for the holiday.

Packaging Strategies Incorporated enjoys celebrating the independence of the United States of America each year. Our company is proud to continue our partnership with every branch of the United States Armed Forces who continue to protect the independence of the American people.

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Independence Day: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

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