Is the color of your custom cases merely a matter of aesthetics? It could be more than that–we find out.
It may seem like something as arbitrary as color is a purely cosmetic choice when it comes to deciding how to design your custom cases. But it actually affects the safety and condition of whatever is inside the case. The purpose of custom cases is to ensure its contents remain undamaged and in workable condition. Some people augment this need by installing extra security measures, such as thermoelectric technology or active cooling agents, like air conditioning. Obviously, this can make your case cumbersome and certainly is more expensive than simply purchasing the case. Depending on the climate and solar focus of your area, you may be able to circumvent such tactics.
Remember the Color Wheel in Art Class?
In school, it was taught that color is simply a reflection of absorbed light. When you wear black on a sunny day, your body temperature rises because you’re attracting and absorbing more sunlight than you otherwise would. The same principle applies when selecting a color for your custom case. A darker color, like navy blue or black, will not only fade faster in the sunlight, but it will raise the temperature of the case and potentially damaged whatever is inside of it. Selecting a lighter color can help deflect some of that heat, especially if you live in a warm, cloudless area.
More on Sunlight
More sunny areas are typically places closer to the equator, nearer to the southern hemisphere. People who live in those areas may want to consider carefully the color they choose for their custom cases. Additionally, if you live somewhere near water sunlight reflects heavily off that surface and can negatively impact your case’s precious cargo. People use these cases for things like musical instruments, filming equipment, even medical equipment – all things that are affected by heat. Areas with heavy cloud coverage are in less danger, however. This is because the clouds block most of the sun’s rays and keep your custom case safe from its harm.
Trust Packaging Strategies Incorporated With Every Detail
Packaging Strategies Incorporated specializes in making custom packaging for whatever product you sell. Whether you need custom shipping containers or custom shipping packaging, we have the expertise and years of experience to deliver a quality product at a price you’ll love every time. We are exceptionally skilled at creating unique and innovative solutions for all industries. For more information about what we can do for your business, contact us online or give us a call at (410) 547-7877. For more packaging tips and ideas, follow us on Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.