Your most valuable electronics and treasured possession require delicate handling. And sometimes that means building a custom container with specific size requirements. Selecting the right case for your electronics system is as important as the system.
Packaging Strategies Incorporated can help. We provided custom protective containers for both the defense community and private enterprises. Protective cases keep your field operations functioning correctly, and safe from the rigors of transportation and deployment.
PSI’s engineering and manufacturing capabilities satisfy the needs of multiple government agencies and the military, we can do the same for your needs.
Our process:
• When we meet with a client, we evaluate the challenge and then design and engineer a prototype.
• Article testing and approval follows.
• Once you’re satisfied manufacturing begins.
We manufacture rotationally molded containers and injection molded transit cases. In addition, we design and supply metal container solutions.
PSI doesn’t stop at case production, we’re experts in developing total packaging solutions. We can design and create a custom cushioning solution, pack your equipment for you, and keep a running inventory of what’s on hand.
With a manufacturing site on location in Baltimore, MD, PSI can make one case – or thousands.
If you have any questions, please contact Packaging Strategies Incorporated by calling 410.547.7877 or click here today!
Since 1990, PSI has evolved from a small organization focused on supporting the defense community to a multi-faceted company serving both defense and private enterprises. Our expertise, qualified personnel and on-site production facilities allow us to meet and exceed every client’s needs.
You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter as well!
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