Packing your Military Case

Custom Military Case
When you are transporting important military equipment, a proper military case is a must. However, just having the proper case is not necessarily enough to ship your equipment safely. Taking the proper steps to ensure your equipment is packed correctly will help your equipment arrive to its destination safe and sound.

1. Before any packing is done, determine what equipment you are shipping. Take note of the size of your equipment, detachable parts, and any sensitive areas that may require more protection than the rest of your equipment.
2. Based on the size of your equipment, choose a military case that will fit the equipment properly. Choosing a military case that is too small or too large for the equipment you are shipping could cause serious damage to occur during transportation.
3. Consider the elements your equipment will face during transportation. Harsh temperatures along with wind, dust, and water can cause serious complications or damage to your vital equipment. Ensure your military case is equipped to handle these possible weather scenarios.
4. Equip your military case with custom made foam interiors to add an extra level of protection to your military equipment. Foam interiors can be made to fit comfortably within your military case and to also allow specific areas for each portion of your equipment.
5. Be aware of the materials being used in your military case. Some materials, such as cardboard, can cause unexpected static electricity, which could result in hazardous malfunctions and even explosions.
6. Once your military case has been packed, ensure the case is properly labeled. This will allow handlers to quickly and properly identify your equipment during and after transportation.

At Packaging Strategies Incorporated, we create custom aluminum cases to protect the important equipment held inside. We know how essential a custom aluminum case is when transporting equipment for military and medical purposes. We pride ourselves on creating cases that meet every need of our customer while also exceeding their expectations, at a price that is affordable and reasonable. We are also proud of our service to every arm of the Department of Defense and United States military.

To get started with a custom military case from PSI, call us today at 888-774-7557. You can also visit our contact page online.

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