Find out what you can do if you have a transit case and need your electronics protected from vibrations.
Vibration isn’t good for your electronic devices. It can loosen screws and cause cables to get unplugged, among other things. It’s reasons like this that when you’ve finally reached your destination, the equipment you brought with you is no longer operable. For anyone using a transit case to carry their electronics, you want to keep your gear protected from vibration whenever possible. Find out what you can do if you have a transit case and need your electronics protected from vibrations.
In a similar fashion to a guitar string, all items have a specific frequency that it vibrates whenever it is plucked. This is known as the object’s resonant or natural frequency. Unless the object is plucked, or excited, again, this frequency fades away. In the case that the plucking happens again, the amplitude of the vibration will increase significantly. This is known as resonance.
For any electronics you pack in your transit case, excitation at its initial natural frequency can make your equipment vibrate enough to cause problems.
Providing Vibration Attenuation
A well-made transit case can keep your fragile electronics safe by isolating your items from any external sources of vibration. This is done by keeping electronics off the walls of your transit case. Some cases accomplish this by putting mounts on the interior that keep your electronics held in place so that they don’t come into contact with your case’s walls. The mounts get selected using a natural frequency of vibration that is vastly different from the expected excitation frequency. This makes sure that your electronics take as few vibrations as possible. When your items don’t hug your case’s walls, it lowers the amplitude of vibrations, meaning your electronics sustain less damage. Depending on how you travel with your transit case, the frequencies you’ll experience could vary. If you travel by car or train, the frequencies you experience will be fairly predictable. Items transported by air experience many excitation frequencies, so keep in mind how you’ll be traveling when picking a transit case.
Keeping your electronics safe should be a top priority for you. As long as you invest in a transit case that limits the impact of vibrations, it will help keep your equipment safe when being transported.
PSI Cases have assembled personnel with over 50 years of combined experience in design, engineering, development, manufacturing, and sales. We design and manufacture systems integration packages and container solutions for clientele who represent interest from the private sector and government agencies.No matter what you need to carry, PSI Cases will be sure to have the right case for the job.
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