Rotational Molding: The Benefits

You have a wide range of options when it comes to selecting the best material to suit your packaging, transport, and storage needs. How do you decide which option is going to be the best fit for you? Educating yourself on the properties and advantages of different materials is the best way to go about your decision-making. Luckily for you, Packaging Strategies Inc. is here to provide their expert insight on one of the top methods of manufacturing cases: rotational molding.

What is rotational molding?

Rotational molding is the name of the process used to shape and form plastic that will make up different kinds of shipping containers and storage cases. What exactly does this process entail? It is unique from most other forms of plastic molding that can involve air-blowing, injection, and high-pressure techniques to shape the plastic. Resin powder is melted inside of the mold itself to allow for customizable size, and because the process does not involve many other steps, it is relatively less expensive than other methods.

Why should I choose a rotational molding case?

One of the main advantages of rotational molding being a low-cost process is that, consequently, the end product is much more affordable. You sacrifice nothing for the lower price as well; rotational molding cases are strong, durable, easy to transport, and easy to customize to your specific needs. It will not warp or change in structure and will protect your items during transit or in storage with no hassle or stress to you.

Roto-Molded Cases

The PSI packaging experts know that the quality of the container you need is of paramount importance and is often the key to keeping your items safe and secure. You can find out more about rotational molding cases and other container options by calling 888-774-7557 or sending an email to [email protected].

Don’t hesitate to bring your questions to our knowledgeable, reliable designers.




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