Mil-Spec Military Electronic Cases


Electronics are particularly vulnerable during transport and while on the field.  Whether you’re carrying laptop computers, UAV equipment, video and sound equipment, or even aerospace technology, you’ll need cases that can ward off the elements.  Many case manufacturers will promise quality casing and a speedy delivery, but will take well beyond their projected time to deliver cases that are poorly manufactured.  At PSI, we vow to be the business that does the opposite.  We use the best materials available on the market, and we work at a pace that fits your schedule, so you can receive your cases when you need them.  To protect your electronics with a mil-spec military electronic case, work with PSI.


Made to High Military Standards

Every single one of our cases is mil-spec.  After having worked with every branch of the United States Government, we take military specifications very seriously.  You know that, if a case meets all mil-spec requirements necessary, you can feel confident it will get the job done.  PSI does whatever we can, including putting our cases through rigorous environmental testing.  Here are just a few mil-spec requirements we adhere to:

  • MIL-STD-2073 DOD Standard Practice for Military Packaging
  • MIL-T-28800 Test Equipment for use with Electrical and Electronic Equipment
  • MIL-T-4734 Transit Cases for Ground Electronics Equipment (USAF)
  • MIL-STD-130 Identification Marking of US Military Property
  • MIL-C-4150J Transit and Storage, Waterproof and Water-Vaporproof

To learn more about a specific requirement, give us a call.  We’ll be more than happy to discuss it with you!

Impervious Against the Elements

During transport and on the field, your cases are sure to encounter the most perilous circumstances.  Electronics are vulnerable, and require every form of protection.  Specifically, water damage can fry circuitry and lead to failed missions.  That’s why PSI makes cases that are watertight, and ward off any humidity.  They are climate-controlled with barometric pressure release valves that activate when the case is submerged in water.  They will float, so you won’t lose them, but they will still keep moisture at bay.  Our cases are also airtight, meaning they’ll fight off any sand or dirt particles which could scratch or damage your electronics.  Electronics are also vulnerable to impact damage, and PSI prepares for this with our resin-coated exteriors and roto-molded interiors.  With our 3D modeling technology, we can craft cases with interiors that have foam inserts specific to your need, keeping all electronics perfectly in place.

Work with Packaging Strategies Incorporated to receive your impenetrable mil-spec military electronic cases!

Are you looking for quality, affordable cases to protect your electronic equipment during transport and beyond?  PSI can help.  We create cases for every branch of the military and we have extensive experience in the field.  As an ISO 9001 certified company, we do everything we can to ensure you’re receiving quality cases.  Fight against the elements and protect your electronics with our mil-spec cases.  For more information, call us at 888-774-7557 or email us at