Mil-Spec Storm Cases


Pelican Storm cases are manufactured with care and precision.  They are known for their sturdy nature, their reliable reusability, and their usage in the military.  When it comes to Storm cases, you should know that Pelican puts special care into making sure that they all meet military specifications.  Mil-spec standards are incredibly important when creating military-grade equipment, as it means you can fully trust them to meet all of your needs.  You won’t need to worry about cases not being able to withstand a particular temperature, or cases that aren’t able to undergo specific environmental conditions.  When cases meet mil-spec, you can rest assured you’re using quality equipment.  That’s why PSI partners with Pelican.  We want to bring you truly functional Storm cases that can meet every necessary military specification. 


Strength and Convenience

Storm cases are made to be as convenient as possible, from their exteriors to their latches.  The Press & Pull latches are incredibly durable, but release at the press of a button.  They make for strong, easily handleable cases that provide extra protection where you need it.  Due to the Storm case’s over-molding process, they are outfitted with an extra strong exterior and an ultra soft interior.  The combination protects your equipment when faced with any complication.  Their easy-grip handles make transportation that much easier, which is invaluable when you’re on the go.


Military Specifications Met With Ease

Storm cases are made with a kind of quality that meets mil-spec without even trying.  Their cases can handle intense temperatures, dramatic shock impacts, chemical exposure, fire damage, and inclement weather.  Here are some specifics:

  • MIL-HDBK-304 Military standardization handbook, package cushioning design
  • MIL-STD-810 Environmental engineering considerations and laboratory tests
  • MIL-STD-2073 DOD Standard practice for packaging military equipment and supplies
  • MIL-STD-1472 Human engineering design criteria for military systems, equipment and facilities
  • MIL-STD-130 Identification marking of US military property

That’s not all.  Contact us for more information on what specific mil-spec qualifications our Storm cases meet.


Completely Damage-Resistant

Whether it’s water, sand, or shock damage, Storm cases can handle it all.  Water has the potential to seep inside of your cases and destroy delicate electronics, which is why your cases need to be meeting all mil-spec requirements.  Your cases will most likely be roughly handled during transport, which means Storm cases are your best bet when it comes to shock protection.  PSI works with Pelican because we know they can offer quality products.  Trust your case job with PSI and Pelican today.


Work with PSI to receive your mil-spec Storm cases today!

As an ISO 9001 certified company, we know what it takes for cases to meet all military standards.  That’s why we partner with Pelican to bring you quality Storm cases that can get the job done.  When you’re looking for the highest quality, you don’t have to search any further than PSI.  For more information, call us at 888-774-7557 or email us at